I know a woman who makes it. I've used hers personally and it works. She runs the yahoogroup "blacksalveandpetswithcancer".


Jonathan B. Britten wrote:

A friend who lives in Thailand asked me about Cancema for a worrisome spot on his chest (probably BCG from his description.) The company that made Cancema was destroyed by the FDA.

Someone once posted a link to a supplier of a similar salve, but despite repeated efforts to contact the company by e-mail about their product, I got no reply. I won't deal with a company that won't answer queries.

If anyone knows of a first-rate supplier of a Cancema substitute, kindly advise.

Caveat: Altcancer.com, which still operates an information site, has details about an unscrupulous supplier of worthless products. See their page before ordering anything.

Thanks in advance for trusted advice.


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