Just to confirm what some of you are reporting. The archives at 
escribe.com are down due to a blown power supply on the server. They 
should have been back up already, but are not. So I'll be in touch with 
Scott again to see what's happening.

The story is this:

Scott, the owner, and a couple of others, put e-Scribe together some 
years back with the aim of providing free archiving services to owners 
of mailing lists such as ours, while selling advertising on the basis 
of page views.

As of today, Scott is the only person remaining of the team, pays for 
bandwidth and server upkeep out of pocket to the tune of $200 a month. 
I don't know how much advertising revenue is generated, but it is not, 
and has not produced enough to prosper as a business model. 

This is understandable given the rise of Yahoo! Groups and other large 
providers of mailing list hosting with integral archiving (however 
crippled it may actually be...).

Scott is personally committed to keeping it going, but only out of a 
sense of obligation, from what I can tell. And work on the system takes 
a back seat to all the other demands on his time. 

If the current problem is worse than just the blown power supply and 
the system has more damage than that, we may be without service for 
longer than we would like.

Once the server is back up I would like to ask any who have appreciated 
the archives to make at least a small donation to the Community Chest 
for the list. This can be reached from a link on the list archive's 
main index page.

Meanwhile, I would appreciate, privately, please, any suggestions for 
alternatives for the long term, should e-Scribe finally disappear.

Be well,

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[mdev...@eskimo.com                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]

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List maintainer: Mike Devour <mdev...@eskimo.com>