Hi, Wendy,
Sleep apnea and snoring are too different animals.  With the sleep apnea your 
husband isn't getting enough breaths or air in him, so he's not really 
sleeping/resting, which will result in weight gain.  I've heard of people 
wearing oxygen masks at night.  
Snoring could be allergies.  My husband took allergy shots some years ago, and 
his snoring/sounds were greatly reduced where he's actually quite quiet now.  
One time he got really loud again, the doctor tweaked his allergy shot formula 
and he was almost instantly quiet again.  We also noticed his migraines became 
nil so he stayed on the treatment longer than most.
It's quite possible nebulizing the CS could help either one.  Others have 
reported allergies clearing up on CS.  So, just experiment on him. :)))  You 
can get the nebulizers on ebay, some of the cheaper units are just older 
medical units.  

Take care,
