
I have a 7 year old son who has had an on again off again fever and persistent 
coughing for 5 days now.  Everyone in our family caught some "bug" which caused 
a runny then stuffed up nose but in my son's case it changed course and I 
suspect there is now a secondary infection in the lungs - pneumonia.

I might go to the doctor to confirm pneumonia but I want to do ANYTHING 
possible to avoid antibiotics as this poor child was on antibiotics from age 4 
months until 6 and a half years old due to a chronic ear infection that would 
not resolve.  I finally had them remove his tonsils and remove his ear tubes 
and that combo got the infection to go away.  (I did not know about colloidal 
silver then).

In the year that he has finally been off of antibiotics his behavior and 
learning capacity has improved.  He has learning disabilities, ADHD, and had to 
repeat Kindergarten.  So far, this first month in 1st grade has been wonderful. 
 It's a LONG story but I am convinced that another round of antibiotics would 
set us back terribly.

I have a medical nebulizer http://www.nidekmedical.com/pulmomist.aspx (mine is 
the older version of this brand).  And a batch of CS made with my SilverGen SG6.

Can anyone suggest how I should proceed?  I know I need to try to get him to 
breath deeply.  I know I won't be able to get him to take cayene pepper as 
outlined in the protocol on the www.silvermedicine.org website when persistent 
lower lung infection is present.

If someone has experience with a situation such as mine I would appreciate the 
opportunity to visit on the phone (of course on my dime) but e-mails will also 
be greatly appreciated.

Lea Ann Savage
Satellite Beach, FL