I can't say as to whether it would "work" or not, but whether you legaly have to have your dog vaccinated is something to look into. The AMVA has I believe, changed its recommendations so that rabies vaccs are now suggested for every 3 years instead of more frequently. Other avenues you can pursue is to get a blood titer done before any new vaccs to see if he still has antibodies or whatever it is they test for. I have read some info that says there are studies done by titer and by challenge that show that rabies vaccinations actually last around 7 years. State and city/county regulations take precedence I believe though, so in my town rabies vacc is required every 2 years, in the next town it is every single year.

I stopped vaccinating several years ago, but then I don't travel anywhere a rabies certificate is required, or any other places that require proof of vac.


Jeanne wrote:

i dont know if debbie wants this info but I sure do!!!! Would it work on my dogs and save them getting another shot?

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