It would appear that most "synthetic" vitamins are chemically identical to 
their natural counterparts. But I have seen a few interesting studies which 
show that on the subtle vibrational platform, they are completely different, a 
crude mimic. As far as the cis- and trans isomers of certain compounds are 
concerned, many of these are found in nature, but not all I believe. Avoiding 
concentrates of certain potentially harmful trans isomers of specific vitamins 
and their precursors, such as with B-12 and beta carotene, the other main 
problem with conventional U.S.P. grade vitamin pills is that the vitamins are 
in a isolated crystalline synthesized free form state and not in a conjugated 
food state matrix state with other nutrients as found in Nature, that is why 
they are easily recognized by the body as being toxic and less absorbed and 
execreted faster. The same problem exists with crude amino acid chelates of 
minerals, trying hopelessly to mimic the natural colloidal state of minerals
 found in plant foods. 
As far as I know, there are only two "natural" vitamin product ranges on the 
market that each utilizes proprietary technology to create "food state" 
vitamins and minerals, however both of these are being derived from USP 
vitamins concentrates.  I have tested both of these and its actually a much 
more natural feeling you get from taking these, none of the normal side effects 
from the burden of execreting surplus synthetic free state vitamins are felt 
and you need to take a lot less to feel the beneficial effects. I would 
definitely recommend these as the best option for taking vitamin supplements.
Food State vitamins made by Grow Company Inc.
Nutribiotic spirulina bound process:
- Ole

Jim Holmes <> wrote:
I apologize for not having a citation, but I read years ago that the stereo
image (left-hand---right hand)of synthetic vitamins is reversed, and they
are bad for us. 


-----Original Message-----
From: Terry Chamberlin [] 
Sent: Sunday, October 09, 2005 8:07 AM
Subject: CS>Vit A overdose

Jean said,
"my sister was recently advised by her doctor to not
take high doses of Vit. A to help an eye problem
because it could be toxic. She researched Vit. A and
found out this ONLY applies to SYNTHETIC Vit. A, not
natural Vit. A. Guess what this taught me?! I will
never, ever, buy another SYNTHETCIC vitamin of any
sort. The body doesn't recognize what to do with them
and therefore doesn't utilize them properly, not to
mention that synthetic vitamins can actually harm

Synthetic vitamins are made out of petroleum
by-products. The are not vitamins, but chemicals that
look a bit like vitamins.

Inuit eskimo indians consume 500,000-650,000 I.U.s of
Vitamin A/day without any negative side-effects.

There was a doctor in the Eastern US (I'll try to find
his name) who used megadoses of Vit A to combat cancer
(quite successfully). He gave his patients 3,000,000
I.U.s of Vit A/day without ever seeing any overdose
symptoms. He stated that every overdose was with
synthetic A.

When I lived in the US, I regularly ingested 100,000
I.U.s of Vit A/day as a lifestyle for years. Here in
Canada, I cannot get 25,000 I.U. Vit A (5,000 I.U is
the maximum allowed).

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