Bloodroot tincture may also prove extremely useful.

It can be applied to a cotton ball and put directly above the infected area. The results may be quite surprising and dramatic.

Be cautious in all experimental protocols and proceed at your own risk.

On Thursday, Oct 13, 2005, at 03:16 Asia/Tokyo, sol wrote:

I don't think Terry is saying not to use CS/DMSO (Terry?). I'd certainly be using it myself, in addition to anything else. While not in the dire state of infection your mother is in, there seems to be some possibilty (great probability) that root canal teeth permanently spew toxins from bacteria , and since I have 7 of the things in my mouth, I've recently begun rinsing and swishing a mouthful of 10% DMSO/90% CS in my mouth as long as I can stand to hold it, after brushing my teeth in the morning and before bed. Seems to me hitting such infections from as many directions as possible could only help.

Terry Chamberlin wrote:

Theresa said,

My mother has to have some bad teeth removed in her

lower jaw and has an imbedded infection in her jaw
that has spread so far it's even affecting her

I doubt that CS will be enough at this point. Were I
you, I would look into the very simple but highly
effective devices described on:

With the use of a single 6-volt lantern battery and a
piece of wire, I and a lot of other folks have
experienced amazing success fighting and resolving
various local infections.

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