There is a difference between forced and coerced.
"Forced" is hunted, held down and jabbed.
  The constitution may have something to say about that as it only affects
the individual.

 Coerced would be, "Get jabbed or be quarantined". 
The constitution may permit that as it has to do with the public good which
goes by public definitions [valid and sensible or not] and includes another
 "Quarantine thyself"

 If you hide successfully, you don't transmit disease, OR, be found to be
jabbed by coersion or quarantined by force.
 If done soon and well enough, no disease 'to' transmit.

 Anyone can do anything they want to, so long as no one else knows or finds
If someone does find out, you haven't hid successfully.
Law only applies to those who get caught.
 With no evidence of a crime found, there is no crime and only you judge you.
"Freedom" is then, the right to display public threat with impunity?

Society means, do whatever it takes to be still, or dance to the music.

Relative Hermits have greater relative freedoms. 
 Absolute Hermits have absolute freedom...but any interaction with another
disqualifies him as an absolute Hermit.

Going to the Doc or screaming on a soapbox in the park with oozing Bubos
ain't that.

 If someone is afraid of you, they'll kill you in your sleep, bury you deep
in the South 40 and let God sort out what's right.
 Be nice if found, hide well.


[Children are meant to be obscene and not absurd] ??

At 09:03 AM 10/21/2005 -0600, you wrote:
>I hope you are right. But I've been reading that vaccinations can now be 
>forced for a very long time, some things I've read give reference to 
>states being able to choose whether they will enforce or not. I even 
>read an article with quotes by a person who was allowed in to the CDC 
>conference where forced vaccs were discussed. Those on the side of 
>forcing, know it will kill people, but felt the greater good was served 
>by vaccinating. I didn't save anything, but a google search should turn 
>up references.
>Plus, the Patriot Acts do give this power to the government. To depend 
>on government not to enforce powers they now have, in other words to 
>depend on govt. goodwill is pretty scary.
>> List,
>> I can't imagine living on a country where I must vacinate or else. I'd 
>> rather move out. I am sure is not going to happen and I resent all 
>> those sensationalist messages and "supporting" articles purporting 
>> that Americans have no say on vacinations. I refused to get vacinated 
>> when I came into this country (from Franco's regime), refused to have 
>> my son vacinated and know people who have done likewise.
>> I am confident that when the time comes, I'll prevail as I have done 
>> in the past.
>> Regards
>> Frank
>>     ----- Original Message -----
>>     From: Paula Perry <>
>>     Get ready for a vaccination whether you want it or not.
>>     No virus found in this outgoing message.
>>     Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.
>>     Version: 7.0.344 / Virus Database: 267.12.4/143 - Release Date:
>>     10/19/05
>“All higher animals, including the cat, are essentially tubular.” Pollock,
R. Cornell Book of Cats.
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>No virus found in this incoming message.
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