Hi Frank,
I believe I got this valuable information from Brooks Bradley who does
research all the time. My wife had a chronic UTI that reoccurred about ever
3 to 4 weeks; usually requiring a Dr. visit and expensive antibiotic
Rx--Since we read of this addition of Gatorade (2 parts) to CS (1 part), she
has not had a UTI attack--this was 2 years ago and we take this daily
because she never wants another UTI.
Richard Harris, 58 Year FL Pharmacist
448 West Juniata Street
Clermont, FL 34711

  -----Original Message-----
  From: FRANK CUNS-RIAL [mailto:f...@atlanticbb.net]
  Sent: Friday, October 21, 2005 1:10 PM
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com
  Subject: Re: CS>Flu Immunization, vaccines in general, and Hep C

  List, Electrolite in Gatorade takes CS deeper into the tissues? Any
research on this?
    ----- Original Message -----
    From: Richard Harris
    To: silver-list@eskimo.com
    Cc: Richard Harris
    Sent: Friday, October 21, 2005 11:55 AM
    Subject: RE: CS>Flu Immunization, vaccines in general, and Hep C

    Hi Max,
    I make, sell and take a good quality CS (1 part + 2 parts Gatorade--as
electrotyte to take the CS deeper into tissues than CS  can go alone); and
also recommend to everyone that they add BECK (or other) zapper to your
treatment. V made mine and I have ordered several for friends and highly
recommend V's quality workmanship, his very reasonable price, his promptness
in making and shipping and the FREE BECK Papers CD that he encloses with the
order (which to me seems worth it's weight in gold) + V monitors these Sites
and is handy to help with questions and valuable information. Many can use
bG's Site for simple directions to be able to make their own, but if you
prefer, send V an inquiry.
    Please check my Site & Blogspot (in which I offer Free 3 pages of CS
Uses and 1 page of my CS Favorites to which I refer often.
    Let me know if I might be of help.
    Richard Harris, 58 Year FL Pharmacist
    448 West Juniata Street
    Clermont, FL 34711

      -----Original Message-----
      From: Max Sanders [mailto:mazsand...@yahoo.com]
      Sent: Tuesday, October 18, 2005 10:55 PM
      To: CS
      Subject: CS>Flu Immunization, vaccines in general, and Hep C

      Do most of you folk NOT take the flu vaccine due to your healthy
distrust of poison in the needles, or the more positive take that Silver and
other methods will protect?  I am interested in the various points of view.

      I myself have always distrusted vaccines, but evaluate continually
i.e. I have Hep C.  It is strongly recommended to get the antibodies to Hep
A and B because a case of either could sink the liver. So I tried the Hep A
and B series and my body did not make the antibodies.  So now I am retaking
the shots, but by a "travel dr" or immunologist, who uses a subdermal (as
opposed to intermuscular) technique that may help stimulate the antibodies.
I generally would rather not, but the risk scenario seemed OK...but then
again, I do not know that much about this situation.

      Does anyone know what a neg response to the Hep A and B vaccines
means?  The Dr's just shrug, but state that the response rate normally is in
the 99% range (have heard different).

      I still make my silver and loyally take it as one of the tools to keep
me healthy. (I am sure my quality and potency could be better)  But my viral
loads have remained steady, much to my dismay.  I would love, obviously, a
total clearance.  Any new info on Hep C approaches?  I haven't asked here in
a while.  The good news is that my liver is pretty healthy (never abused to
a great degree and protect w Milk Thistle), and recent tests show normal
liver enzymes for the first time in a decade.  So I have this sense that I
am holding strong, but the virus remains in an immune system sensitive
state.  As such, I feel vulnerable to a twist of fate that would lead to a
viral explosion.

      Thanks for any and all considered responses.


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