Gunar said:
When you say that you are in "day-four of <using> salve",
I hope you do not mean that you have been ***applying***
the salve each day?  If you have a "good" salve, only one
application is needed, and then you just wait out the time
till the eschar heals and falls off, with healthy skin below..

In reply to Deborah: > Since this has been mentioned, I wanted to say that I 
am now in Day-4 of
> using this salve on what was most likely a non-melanoma type skin cancer
> on my shoulder. ...

Rowena adds:  And I can illustrate that.

I assumed my husband understood when I said the same thing.  I wanted to put 
the salve on myself, and I would just have put a dot in the middle as per 
verbal instructions.  However, he did it himself while I was asleep, and I 
didn't get to see it until end of second day.
There was a thick crust of salve and scattered debris around, which I 
cleaned up with VCNO and CS.  I did, at his request, apply more, but only to 
the "lid", not all around.  Maybe I was too polite and reassuring in my 

 Blow me down if after his
shower next morning he didn't reapply and put on a new plaster.  Horrified
me!  Last night, had a look - more salve caked around, and the top knocked
off the cancer.  Cleaned it up again, put vaseline on the plaster, told him
to leave it there, shower or no shower.  I don't know whether it got
dislodged in the shower or just by movement of plaster, possibly ooze
sticking the crust to the plaster and then getting bumped or leaned on in
the long car drive to work.  That was last night.   I cleaned up the
surrounding area with VCNO then Colloidal Silver then dry tissue to pick up
the little crumbs of salve.

I really did muse whether to put VCNO instead of vaseline, as I didn't like
the thought of petroleum product on the area.  But the purpose was just to
stop things sticking to the plaster, not to heal, as the skin musn't heal
over while the eschar is still coming out.  So I left off the VCNO as being
too effective, ha ha!  However, another thing that shouldn't happen is - the
top shouldn't get knocked off!

DH had said to me the night before, when I said he didn't need any more of
the salve: "If a little is good, a lot is better.  I read it in Patrick
O"Brian."  I just took that as a joke against his obsessiveness, and didn't
emphasise enough to him, I suppose, to leave it alone.  Dr Maturin had this
problem with his sailor patients!

The salve gets hard.  This forms a crust.  The thicker the crust, the 
thicker the crust.  I think it is far more liable to being knocked off as a 
thick crust than as just a dot on top of the skin covering the cancer.

My mother was full of good ideas in her time, too.  She went to a local 
healer (  for treatment for 
her skin cancer in the nineteen sixties.  He applied whatever secret 
substances he used.  Instructions: lie in bed until the cancer comes out, 
and don't sweat.

My mother's interpretation: Buy a metal vaccination protector from the 
chemist.  Attach bandages and sling it across your back to stop anything 
knocking the top off your cancer.  Then carry on as normal, especially if 
relatives come to sympathise in your illness.  In that case, rush around 
preparing food until the vaccination protector knocks the top off your 
cancer.  Continue entertaining your guests.  Then put cabbage and /or carrot 
poultices on the wound for weeks until all the pus stops coming out.  Allow 
to heal over with large scar.  Live another forty years and die at the age 
of 99.

No wonder nurses get bossy!


(Bruce Fife just wrote to the coconut group that VCNO is the most effective 
thing he has seen for skin cancer; it actually kills it and it disappears in 
a few weeks.  Apply to skin and also take 4-7 tablespoons a day. Of course, 
you can take it as food dishes.) 

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