Here is what has transpired off-list.  I made it abundantly clear that there
was no censorship or manipulation of information here. 


Jim wrote: 

Opinions may be published.  False statements are defamation; in writing it
is libel.  Speech is called slander.  

If I had called you a "rude person" is that actionable? 

How about if I said, "This fellow is behaving like an Asshole?  Or, as you
pulled your punch in your insult to me, if I said, "Don't be an Asshole".  

Your behavior was that of a rude and arrogant person. Is "anus" better? .   

Regarding Hepatitis and CS.  I had a severe case of Hepatitis in my 30s.
Since that time, my liver was always tender and hard and ached.  About 10
years ago, I began taking a small amount of electro colloidal silver daily.
My liver stopped hurting in about 3 months.   My lifelong tinea pedis went
away.  I do not get colds or flu.  I spray it on small burns and cuts, and
they heal very quickly, with minimal scarring. 

I have researched medical databases for about 10 years, looking for evidence
of toxicity.  The head of the Life Sciences department of Johns Hopkins
University says that the toxic dose of pure Ag is about 1 bathtub full of 10
mg/L silver; about 30 gallons, per day.  

I have seen several severe respiratory infections, bacterial, viral, and
fungal respectively cured in a couple of days with CS nebulized in O2.  

You must be thinking of your own policies when you suggest that the owner of
the Silver List will forbid information that does not agree with his
beliefs, of that does not further his personal agenda.  No one there---and
that includes many medical professionals---would tolerate that.  What he
does not accept is threats from some self-ordained expert who is offended by
colorful language and has a business agenda to defend.  

If you have data demonstrating Ag toxicity, please present it...or not as
you choose.  Selecting obscure and possibly dated sources and selectively
quoting from them does not meet my criteria for evidence.  If you have the
data, why are you withholding it and telling me to "go to the library"?

In my opinion, you are either a shill for the Pharmacrooks, or a woefully
ignorant person who is making money from those even more ignorant than

Post a study---with enough information for the methodology to be
examined---that demonstrates toxicity from unadulterated CS and I will post
it to the Silver List.  

Otherwise, do not bother to respond.  

Jim Holmes


-----Original Message-----
From: Jonathan Campbell [] 
Sent: Wednesday, December 07, 2005 6:00 PM
To: Jim Holmes
Subject: Re: Silver Testimonials

I only objected to your publishing your opinion of me publicly, which is 
You can call me whatever you want privately. That is the nature of our 
not just email.

If you want my frank opinion about people who promote products like 
silver that put peoples' lives at risk, when there are perfectly fine 
nutritional remedies
available that work and cannot cause harm, the word is DESPICABLE.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jim Holmes" <>
To: "'Jonathan Campbell'" <>
Sent: Wednesday, December 07, 2005 6:12 PM
Subject: RE: Silver Testimonials

>I will respond to you if you will agree to honor my right to fully 
>express  my opinions of you, and your opinions, and to use whatever 
>colorful  language  that I choose, without resorting to threats in 
>retaliation  for trivial  insults, provided I do not publish anything 
>that is not factually true.
> Otherwise, go away.
> Jim Holmes

-----Original Message-----
From: M. G. Devour [] 
Sent: Wednesday, December 07, 2005 7:00 PM
Subject: RE: CS>debunkers, etc...

Jim wrote:
> It is all gone away.  Mike thinks that further discussion is not good
> for the list, and I agree, so rather than try to rebunk this debunker, I
> will focus my attention elsewhere.  

Just to be clear, I don't mind if anybody wants to post information of 
the kind this fellow provides. We're not here to hide our heads in the 
sand or to defend CS (or whatever we choose to call it) at all costs. 

One of the pre-requisites of participation in the list, however, is 
that you're interested in the subject and assume going in that our 
silver preparations are worth studying.

I'm here to profide a reasonably safe environment for people to explore 
the topic of CS (and other things) without having to constantly fend 
off attacks by people who have already concluded that it is not of any 

I think, more than anything else, Jim and Mr. Campbell have 
demonstrated how ridiculous communications on the internet can be 
sometimes. A little injudicious temper goes a long way to defeating 
*any* possible effort to dialog.

Be well,

Mike D.
list owner guy

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]

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