The salve I have already contains DMSO and Emu oil.  No VCNO, however.
Ingredients: Bloodroot, Galangal, Chaparral, Ginger root, Zinc Chloride,
Graviola, Emu Oil and pharmaceutical-grade DMSO.
As I have understood it, Emu carries stuff into the skin, and DMSO carries
it into the deeper tissues.
I too, if I make a salve, add DMSO and Emu Oil, and nowadays VCNO.

The AlphaOmega site spoke of people with breast cancer experimenting with 
Cancema and finding that they were able to treat it that way (but with 
considerable pain).  Now that would be an interesting thing to do, a trial 
of Cancema on the outside and see if anything opens up.  I had thermography 
done not long ago, and there are hot spots on both breasts.  I won't have 
any more mammograms.  Also hot spot all around the sinuses.  There has been 
calcification on right breast for some years - but maybe the Far Infrared 
Saunas will dispel that?  I never did get a money order made out for 
Slackstone from Spain to treat the calcification.

  The active ingredients of cansema are soluble in water.
  Water is miscible with DMSO.  DMSO is miscible in
  at least some oils (e.g. jojoba.) Therefore the active
  ingredients of cansema might be dissolved in VCNO using
  DMSO as an intermediary solvent. The DMSO would
  also act as a penetrant.
  Has anybody tried this possible enhancement?    Matthew

  Hi Matthew -- I have not used DMSO, but from what I have read,
  if you add some (not too much) DMSO to the black salve, it will
  help carry/penetrate the salve deeper through the skin, and "possibly"
  even reach internal tumours.

  I always add Emu Oil to the salves that I make, as this oil
  penetrates through the skin and acts as a carrier.
  Also -- a black salve that has been stored for a longish time
  tends to dry out, and emu oil is very good for making it moist again. 

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