Dear Wayne,
               I do not wish to be controversial, but would caution against, 
possibly, trivializing
the dangers of botulinum-based poisoning.  While your general comments relating 
to proper hydration...and especially hydrochloric acid levels appear quite 
valid, there is a MAJOR difference between the health dangers of botulinum and 
ptomaine-type digestive challenges.  The potential lethality of botulinum 
increases by an order of magnitude....sometimes.....among populations of 
relatively healthy persons.  It requires a VERY healthy, high HCL stomach 
environment to effectively combat a fulminating type Botulism.  Among higher 
mammals, only members of the carrion consuming (primarily canus)ones, seem to 
display a very high degree of immunity to Botulinum's effects.  I bring no 
doubt to bear  upon the validity of your revelations concerning your friend, 
but am  somewhat concerned over the possible tone
your posting might leave among the less knowledgeable of the general list 
membership.  Based upon personal research, peer-executed research, and 
witnessed phenomena I go on record as stating Botulinum is a VERY SERIOUS 
potential insult possibility to a VERY large percentage of the general 
population----when it does present.  Additionally, we have never found either a 
prophylactic or cure that is superior to Colloidal Silver (even at 5 ppm 
levels).....even without absorption or buffering agents as amendments.  Please 
do not regard this post as a criticism....but rather a cautionary your comments.
                      Best Regards,  Brooks. 
----- Original Message -----
From: "Wayne Fugitt" <>
Subject: CS>Food Poisoning
Date: Thu, 15 Dec 2005 09:43:06 -0600

> Morning Carol Ann,
> >> Would it stand to reason that if Gatoraid acts as an absorbtion 
> >> enhancer of CS it would also do the same for the cause of the 
> >> food poisining, thus delivering the toxin faster into the 
> >> digestive tracts.
>        Generally, food poisoning is a non threat to healthy persons,
> especially the few that eat and chew their food properly.  ( most 
> do not, another subject )
> Some doctors state that a healthy body can detoxify virtually all 
> food poisonings.
> With the proper digestive enzymes and HCL, food poisoning does not 
> have a chance.
> When the nitrates were taken out of the water, the number of cases 
> of food poisoning soared.
> Nitrates in the water serve a purpose, but the powers to be wanted 
> to take them out, of covert reasons.
> I know a person that is 69 years old. He hikes 15 miles per day and 
> can live on one pound of food per day, and never looses weight when 
> hiking for several days.   He will leave for several days in the 
> back country with one gallon of water.
> He drinks water as he finds it, never using any method of 
> purification.  He has been doing this for years and has never been 
> sick from water, or anything else.
> I asked him about blood reports and insurance.  His answer was,
> I have never been sick.  I have no insurance.   Think about how 
> much money he has saved over the years.
> This of course means he has never had food poisoning for any reason.
> Wayne
> --
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