On Tuesday, December 20, 2005, at 12:21 AM, Carol Ann wrote:

Hi Jonathan,
For the welfare, safety  and anonymity of all concerned your suggestion seems very reasonable.

There is absolutely NO law that prohibits "recipes" in a public domain.  Let the govt perps have a fit if they are monitering these lists because from what I can see there are no illegal ingredients...and as of today at least,  we still have freedom of choice to to self-treat and make our salve.

Carol Ann

"Jonathan B. Britten" <jbrit...@cc.nakamura-u.ac.jp> wrote:

It would be a valuable public service if a precise recipe could be
placed in the public domain. All ingredients are readily available,
I think.


Hi all,

I've been looking into this subject recently as my partner has a basal carcenoma that we're going to try and treat.

As for websites selling "Cansema type" products, I read on the Alpha Omega website that they are alerting people to the fact that there is one particular imitation of their product to watch out for, being offered by one of their previous customers , a company called, "Rising Sun Health" http://www.altcancer.com/fake_cansema.htm which definately does NOT contain the original ingredients of their product

I'm reading an excellent book by Ingrid Naiman "Cancer Salves A Botanical Approach to Treatment" full of useful information on the history of use of salves, receipes for various salves and detailed instructions on using the salves.

"The methods described in Ingrid Naiman's book Cancer Salves: A Botanical Approach to Treatment were traditionally used mainly for breast tumors and skin cancers, but they have been successfully employed for a wide variety of other malignancies, including pancreatic, liver, and kidney cancer. Derivative treatments can be used for uterine-cervix and brain cancer as well as many abnormal conditions affecting the lymphatic system. The internal tonics, often regarded as more important than the external, can be used as either primary or adjunctive treatment for most cancers."

She recommends a Golden Seal, rather than Bloodroot, salve for general use as this though taking a longer time, is less aggressive, inflammatory and painful. In her recipe, based on studies of the work 19th Century doctor Guy Pattison, Zinc Chloride can be added to increase the strength and turn it into an enucleating salve (blisters the skin). I am not sure whether to post the actual recipe as she does not actually include this on her website, rather encourages people to buy her book as she considers it important that people also have background knowledge and detailed instructions on methods of application. However, the main ingredients are Goldenseal, Tumeric, White Willow Bark, Calendula Oil (made in apricot kernel oil)

If zinc chloride is used, she recommends adding it gradually, according to the needs of the individual, sensitivity, stage of treatment etc - from a dropper bottle filled with 1tsp zinc chloride mixed with distilled water

Her book http://www.cancersalves.com/publications/book.html is extremely informative on the whole history of the subject and contains very useful and detailed instructions on using the salves . Her website is well worth a visit which also includes a discussion list on the subject of using salves.

