Bev, after lots of serious research, I decided not to use antibiotics but to do 
the following. I bought a rife machine. I have not started yet as I am doing 
the salt/C and want to ramp up to a good dose first. Then I will add rife, mag 
pulser and beck later. I have been taking glutathione IV's which help clear out 
the toxins the bugs make. It has helped me very significantly and is worth the 
time and money. I find it has helped my immune system as my blood work has 
improved, and it helps with energy and mental clarity. I seem to get less 

I eat low carb as described in the book Protein Power, which appears to be the 
best diet for those with lyme. It definitely makes a difference for me.

I find the lyme/rife group on yahoo to be most helpful with all kinds of 

I find the salt/c yahoo group to be helpful with info for that tactic.<> has some good boards with folks who are using mainstream and 
alternative approaches:<>?

I will pulse in natural antibiotics such as silver and samento for maybe 2-3 
weeks at a time as any more than that can push the bugs to change form and hide 
if I understand things correctly. I'm not sure yet if I can take silver 
continuously or not without causing other approaches to be less effective. I 
don't believe that silver on it's own can reach the bugs in all the hiding 
places and and all their forms, so I intend to use silver as a part of the plan 
to lower the bug load. Ozone is also something I use that makes a dent in how I 
feel, but as a stand alone, it won't conquer the lyme, possibly for the same 
reasons as silver, but I intend to use it with everything else. I've used it 
for years and feel it's really helped me. 

Additionally, I think cleansing is essential before doing all of this. I did a 
colon cleanse with oxy-powder, which I found to be more effective than any 
other type of colon cleanse I've tried. Then I did 5 Hulda Clark (<> ) style liver flushes which made a 
big difference. Many of my blood tests went normal from the flushes. I used a 
kidney cleanse formula also. I believe that colon and liver cleansing are 
essential to allow the body to handle the toxins created by killing the bugs. 
It can make for less intense and prolonged herxing, with less damage to the 
system from toxins. 

 I do hope this helps. Andrea
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: M. G. Devour<> 
  Sent: Thursday, December 22, 2005 9:42 PM
  Subject: CS>Bev's Lyme disease...

  Folks, is there anybody with other suggestions for Bev? She's dealing 
  with Lyme complicated by past chemotherapy, it seems.

  There are people who've done amazing things against deep seated Lyme 
  using Rife, electrical devices, and numerous other therapies besides 
  CS. Can we get a brief re-hash of some of this, please?

  One source i was thinking about was Bryan Posner's book:<>

  I haven't read it, but know enough to suspect it's worth the read.

  Any others?


  Mike D.
  > Andrea,
  > I have had lyme disease with no co infections for 8 yrs.  I have used
  > sovernign silver but quite frankly, the silver does not help me at
  > all. I  tried for several months with an MD who is also alternative. 
  > I truly wished it had helped as antibiotics do their damage too.  I
  > have no alternative at this point.  I have a generator that I bought
  > and now don't  use.  My dr. recommended it. 
  > I was about to unsubscribe from this list as there are so many that
  > don't  help a lyme disease person from what I can see and yet I
  > haven't as yet.  I  wish there was a lyme/silver only list that I could
  > rely on. Also,  this bacteria is so tricky and each of our bodies are
  > so different.  I have  gone thru breast cancer in 81 and it was in my
  > lymph nodes and wasn't suppose to  survive. I had a year of
  > chemotherapy and I'm aliver after so many years  ago. If someone can
  > truly tell me a similar story with cancer/chemo and  now lyme disease I
  > guess that would help.  Chemo does permanant damage and now the
  > bacteria is having a field day. 
  > I do trust SS and there is a gal in Texas that was able to get it for
  > me at  cost.  If that is of help send me your information and I'll try
  > to help.  For now, I am on Bicillin LA for the past 4 months and
  > herxing like  crazy. 
  > Bev

  [Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
  [                        ]
  [Speaking only for myself...               ]

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