A search of Ask Jeeves brought tons of information about CMO, including this action brought by the Federal Trade Commission against the company making and distributing it.   I am learning about CMO for the first time, because of the sharing comments on the Silver List, as I search for ways to help a nephew who almost certainly has Lyme Disease, although his allopathic doctors say he doesn't, because the tests they are using come back negative. 

CMO Distribution Centers of America, Inc. - Cmp
...this revolutionary new substance. * * * CMO. . . THE DISCOVERY. In 1971, the ... CMO™ is an immunomodulator, it regulates your immune...
[]  | www.ftc.gov/os/2000/05/cmocmp.htm | Cached | Save

I figure the makers and users of CMO must be getting some good results, and being no longer beneath the radar, are getting the expected persecution and prosecution by the Feds, just as Dr. Lane did with his phenomenal Benefin shark cartilage results with cancer patients.   How they drove him out of the business of producing that wonder product was very instructive!   But they did not bother him until his product was successful and became well known.  

I look forward to learning more about CMO for the sake of my nephew and of friends I know with various ailments such as fibromyalgia, MS, and arthritis, which also are said to respond to the use of CMO.  I am hoping List users will share what they know.  Just e-mail me personally, if necessary, to keep the volume on a non-CS topic within reasonable limits.

Thanks in advance!  
