Thanks all for suggestions. I feared something very
toxic she was exposed to. These are my step family and
they don't really count me as a pertinent member of
society so asking more questions is pretty much out of
the question. 

--- "Mark S. Siepak" <> wrote:

> The only time I have heard of white diarrhea was
> when my sister lived in
> West Texas and drank some water that was highly
> alkaline, runoff from
> Cinnibar (mercury extracted with cyanide) mines.
> They had to bring water in
> for any consumption, even teeth-brushing!
> Hope the young'un didn't eat/drink something
> nasty....
> > 
> > What would cause vomiting with white??(says the
> > parents) diarrhea in a three year old? They tested
> for
> > Hep, said it was negative.

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