Terry Chamberlin said,
> But silversmiths who
> were exposed to metallic silver powder and either
> inhaled it or continually got it on their skin
> acquired argyria.

Marshall responded,
The inhaling is easy to explain since the lungs
oxidize metallic silver particles into silver oxide
with h2o2.  Getting it on the skin is harder to
explain, and in fact I suspect that it may be an
incorrect assumption, all was really absorbed by
breathing it.
... we know silver dust becomes silver oxide in the
lungs and goes into the blood as an ionic compound.
What mechanism forms the absorption of silver on the
skin?  Is the dust basically working itself into the
skin forming a tattoo directly? If so, this is
irrelevant to taking it orally where it has to get
into the blood stream first before it can reach the

On the topic of argyria from dermal application of
silver, see:


Dermal. Medical case histories indicate that dermal
exposure to silver or silver compounds for extended
periods of time can lead to local skin discoloration
similar in nature to the generalized pigmentation seen
after repeated oral exposure.

Other Systemic Effects. Decreased body weight gain was
observed in guinea pigs following application of 81 mg
silver nitrate (2 mL of a 0.239 M solution) to 3.1 cm2
of skin. At the end of 8 weeks, the silver
nitrate-exposed guinea pigs weighed approximately
10-20% less than unexposed controls and controls
exposed to distilled water (Wahlberg 1965). Dermal Exposure
Following the topical application of silver nitrate
for the treatment of burns in two humans, silver was
distributed to the muscles (0.03-2.3 ppm), liver (0.44
ppm), spleen (0.23 ppm), kidney (0.14 ppm), heart
(0.032-0.04 ppm), and bones (0.025 ppm) (Bader 1966).
No studies were located that quantitated the
distribution of silver in animals following dermal
exposure to silver or its compounds. However, Sano et
al. (1982) detected silver in the same tissues of rats
following topical application of silver sulphadiazine
cream. Dermal Exposure
No studies were located concerning the excretion of
silver by humans or animals following dermal exposure
to elemental silver or silver compounds. *Once
absorption through the skin and distribution to bodily
tissues occurs*, it can be expected that elimination
would be similar to that of silver absorbed via oral
or inhalation exposure, that is, primarily via the
feces, with minimal amounts excreted in the urine.

This next was interesting, concerning silver's
potential reactions to other minerals/chemicals.

As with other metals, relationships exist through
which silver can influence the absorption,
distribution, and excretion of one or more other
metals. These influences are not known to increase the
toxicity of other metals, nor are other metals known
to add to any toxic effects of silver.

Marshall said,
“When you increase the current density then the
concentration near the anode increases, increasing
aggregation, and if you don't stir, or if the water is
hot you have the same effect.  If chunks were breaking
off then the size would be affected by the voltage,
not the current, and all our tests have confirmed that
it is current not voltage that effects particle size.”

Your reasoning comes from low-voltage brewed CS. When
you use higher-voltage, as I do, the wires are too far
apart for this to be a consideration. My wires are
5-1/2” apart. ALL of the DW is between the wires, so
the concentration near the anode is the finished
product (15-20 ppm). If the size was affected by the
voltage, my CS would have very large particles, but in
fact I have almost no Tyndall. I get away with my
voltage because I have very low current. Whether it’s
bigger particles breaking off the anode, or the silver
particles aggregating to themselves is not important.
I suspect you are correct about that being the

“The type is relevant, as well as the size. Silver
ions are extremely reactive, and silver particles are
very non reactive, that is easily proven with the the
salt or HCl test. Silver ions will plate out on silver
particles when in the presence of a developer such as

I’ve been drinking about 20 oz/day of CS for the last
5+ years in the form of brewed coffee. No gray/blue
anywhere that I can see. Even silver-nitrate, if it is
crystal clear, would not be a problem I bet, because
the tiny particle size would also limit the amount of
it that could be ingested.

Terry Chamberlin


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