Dear Pete, sounds like you have received very good advice from the listers
here.  What a wonderful, smart, supportive group of people!
Regarding my personal experience with the bloodroot salve, at the time, I
knew nothing about Colloidal Silver or anything else people are discussing
here.  So my experience was perhaps more painful and scarey looking than
My cancer started as a soft skin tag on my right upper abdomen.  As an
experiment, after receiving my 2 oz. jar, I put some on several moles
scattered over my body.  This one "took", beginning immediately to tingle,
where other moles had no reaction. 
Eventually, the whole area was 4 inches by 3 inches.  At one time during the
cansema treatment, I could lay my fist into the cavity the cansema created. 

My "cancers" felt to be fingerlings of cells that went in 4 different
directions deep into my body, rather than concentrated in one area, close to
the surface, like a tumor.  This is unconfirmed other than my own
visualizations and meditations, as I was healing myself.  I dared not take
this to conventional medicine.  I only imagine they would have offered me
chemo and surgery, with no guarantee the situation would have been handled.
I would apply the cansema, cover it and leave it on for 10 days.
I was perhaps too vigorous with the cansema, but in my zeal to remove all
the cancer cells from deep inside my abdomen, I applied undiluted cansema to
new flesh.  I did take breaks and let the skin heal over.  But when
reapplying, it would open up again, to reveal pin sized holes of eschar.  I
could feel "tingling" deep inside my body, and I felt the salve "pulled" the
offending cells to the surface.
I never considered supporting my healing process through the gentle herbs
and creams being suggested here.  Emotional support  was spotty also, as it
was a frightening, oozing sore that scared the people that loved me.  They
did not know how to help other than to insist I "go to a doctor".
It just never dawned on me, that it didn't have to be painful... which
speaks more to my personal process of Life (i.e. Healing has to be painful).
It was a sort of "do it yourself" project.  (THAT is not how I feel today,
The acute process took about 5 months.
2 years later, the scar is continuing to fill in and fade.  It is very soft,
unusual for untreated scar tissue.  Or course, I am pain free, and my
kinisiology checking tells me, I am cancer free.  I have the blood root
salve to thank for that.  From what I read about the cansema, the body would
rebuild the flesh over time, once the cells were healthy again. 
As far as your looks, you are a living testimony of healing yourself of
cancer.  Surgery is known to disfigure a person also, and not fix the
Sounds like you are getting the information and support you need.  Good
Healing! Laurie
Transform Your Life with the Blink of your Eyes
Laurie Solisz, RN
Healing Science Practitioner
Professional Rapid Eye Technician
Affecting world health one person at a time
----- Original Message ----- 
Sent: Wednesday, December 28, 2005 12:03 AM
Subject: Re: CS>CANSEMA Salve -- Pete

Good advice Raine!  I will wait and see hw much nose I have left before I
another coating.  My brother who has been a doctor for over 40 yrs is coming
down from Cleveland for a visit after  I told him about Cansema.  I Emailed
my other brother a pict
of my face and he showed it to my mother who thought it was a homeless
I still haven't heard any more people tell their experience with scarring,
etc..  Pete