It might be worth your time to add bloodroot to the regimen. I have found that bloodroot penetrates the gum and goes deep into the surrounding tissue, provided that you can keep the area covered with the tincture. I will go so far as to say that I believe you can get considerable regeneration of the root canal and nerve in the case of infected root canal work. A cotton ball soaked in bloodroot tincture, and covered with something to protect the surrounding tissue (I have used silicone putty intended for earplug use) may work wonders. I wonder also whether bloodroot tincture might not carry particulate EIS to the site, but this is pure speculation.

An additional merit to trying bloodroot, in my opinion, is that this herb seems somehow to mark necrotic and neoplastic tissue such that healing, via the normal immune response, continues for YEARS after application. Those who have used Cancema may be aware of this long-term effect. I think there is nothing remotely similar in the mainstream medical bag, and that the failure of medical colleges to teach extensively about herbal medicine and escharotics is a terrible situation.

Andrew Weil's first book has lots about this topic. I first learned of bloodroot from that book. (His second, follow-up book, written after he became a health guru, may have been the beginning a selling-out. Seemed so to me.)


On Wednesday, Dec 28, 2005, at 01:26 Asia/Tokyo, Marshall Dudley wrote:

I have twice had to take antibiotics because of a
tooth infection that I waited too long to treat with
alternative therapies. During antibiotic use, I
discontinued ingesting CS so as to not counteract the

Why would they counteract each other? I happen to have an infected tooth
root right now, and am taking EIS, penecillian, olive leaf extract and
magnetic pulsing it. After 3 days it is only slightly sensitive now. I definitely will continue the EIS to prevent a yeast flare-up, which I get
if I take an antibiotic withoug the EIS.


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