I do not know of a web site, but I can tell you of two friends who HAD
lupus.  They both drank 16 - 20 oz. of 10 ppm CS with 8-10 drops of 3% H2o2
added.  The H2o2 makes it a bit bitter, you she might add about 3-4 oz. of
Gatorade or non citrus juice.  Take the CS along with her, and drink a
little bit all day long through out the day.  ONE WORD OF  CAUTION.  Tell
your friend not to take the 16 oz.  right from the beginning.  She should
begin slowly say 2 oz. two times a day for two days, then 2 oz. three times
a day for two days, and continue this pattern until she is drinking a total
of 16 oz. throughout the day.  By starting slowly like this, hopeful she
will avoid a Herxheimer.  That is the only problem my two friends
encountered.  Back when they did this, I was not aware of what a Herx could
be like, and they did suffer for a few days.  I would say in 8-10 months
they will be pretty good, however, I would definitely stay with the CS after
she is better.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ed Berwick" <eberw...@pacbell.net>
To: <silver-list@eskimo.com>
Sent: Sunday, January 01, 2006 11:12 PM
Subject: CS>lupus?

> I'm new. My neighbor has "lupus"
> Does anyone have web sites, posts, info on lupus?
> Ed Berwick
> California
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