Pete said,
“I gave several Qt jars of "EIS" to my friends at work
for Christmas who were very health conscious.  Now I
am trying to figure out how much of the stuff I can
get in my daughter's luggage before she heads back to

Why send CS with her, when she can easily make her own
at college? Even the three 9-volt battery setup is
fine, and even if she cannot obtain steam distilled
water there, she can easily get filtered or pure
spring water. The 1-pint bottles of drinking water
that are sold everywhere can be used. She can even
keep the CS in those same bottles. To make a pint at a
time, she would only need to brew it for 15-20 minutes
(unless she is using DW). With DW, she would need to
brew it about 45 minutes the first time, then use 4
oz/CS as starter and brew each batch 15 minutes.
Contact me directly for more specific info on how to
set her up to easily make her own CS.

Terry Chamberlin


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