  Recheck my posts where I answered this.
  I got that price after following the links given on this forum for what is 
selling on the internet as Food Grade.  It is NOT the price that I have been 
paying at the feed store.
  Bill Keen

jmcge...@att.net wrote:
>>  Mine was always purchased at the feed store for about $10/8 pounds.  
>> >>However I have never seen it marked as Food Grade and so I don't worry 
>> >>about that issue.

  It may actually be food grade and you've simply never noticed the label.  The 
feed stores and nurseries don't put big signs out -- there's just a small label 
on the bag that says "food codex grade"
 >> I'm sure that if they had to get it certified as Food Grade the price is 
>>considerably more just as it is with hydorgen peroxide Food Grade.

  That's a pretty big assumption on your part, especially since I just told you 
that I get food-grade DE for $8 for a 20 lb bag.  You have absolutely no basis 
for throwing around the kind of numbers you did in a previous post (where you 
said $1.50 per oz)  I appreciate your perspective, but perhaps you could try to 
reconsider the assumptions you've been defending so hard over the last couple 
of days on this list