Welcome to our group, Frank. As you already have begun to see, you'll 
get a variety of information from a lot of different people. They will 
mention more than just colloidal silver related therapies, and for good 
reason. You'll want to learn about as many successful strategies as 
possible and probably implement several at once -- with care.

As Terry suggests, CS can be a significant addition to any protocol you 
ultimately adopt. Just don't skimp on it. Buy a machine to make it by 
the quart or the gallon and do it now. Run that baby all the time if 
necessary, and let your father gradually build up to where he's 
consuming properly made low-ppm CS for a large part of his water 
intake. Many small doses as often as possible will help the most if it 
will help at all.

Mixing CS with Gatorade or Ringers Lactate and holding it in the mouth 
before swallowing will yield absorption rates and blood levels of 
silver that will rival IV administration. This is another strategy to 
ask more about and then do.

Then start following up on every other cancer therapy you can find out 
about. I'm afraid you are destined to have to plow through an overload 
of information, as the very lack of regulation which permits successful 
therapies to be promoted at all also permits a chaos of conflicting 
claims, fraud, error, fanatacism and nonsense to flourish.

The best help this group can provide is by way of first person 
testimonials and eyewitness accounts of results with various protocols. 
If you hear about something from multiple people -- particularly from 
people who are not trying to sell you anything and have direct 
experience with it -- it is likely an item deserving further intensive 

There are therapies by Budwig, Gerson, Beck, Clark, Pauling and many 
others. Investigate them all.

For example, visit the Gerson Institute site (www.gersoninstitute.org) 
and evaluate their offerings. View the video clips for a quick 
overview. If nothing else, it will give you an idea of just how far you 
can go to improve on the diet and nutrition you're providing, and what 
an aggressive cleansing protocol looks like. On the other hand, if 
you've 10 or 20 thousand dollars to spare for it, they have clinics 
that will give him a good start on recovery -- IF his condition will 

>From all I can see, recovery from cancer requires a lot of work, 
because it represents the final stage in the body's response to every 
insult it has ever received and been unable to handle, and you must 
support it on the long road back. That said, successful treatments 
frequently result in near immediate improvement... and renewed hope. 
They just must be followed up on for a long time, usually the rest of 
your life.

You must provide the body with all the building blocks it needs to heal 
and rebuild. This means aggressive nourishment and nutrition with 
superior food and quality supplementation. 

You must stop exposure to pollution, contamination, and low quality, un-
nutritious, and dangerous foods, and likely re-evaluate any toxic 
medications or other dangerous therapies that may have been suggested 
by others.

Finally, you'll need to help the body eliminate stubborn toxins that 
are the result of a lifetime of accumulation, plus the toxic load which 
results from the body's renewed effort to eliminate unhealthy tissues. 
This will mean cleansing of one sort or another, practiced often and 
for a long time.

The road back is challenging. Above all, realize that the tumors are 
not themselves the disease. They are only the places where the body's 
defenses have been overwhelmed by long term abuse. If you recreate the 
healthy internal ecology needed to survive, the body will heal the 
tumors as it rebuilds itself.

I will pray for strength for you and your mother and good guidance in 
your search for information.

Be well,

Mike D.

> Hello. My father has cancer and it is taking my mom
> and I both to take care of him as he cannot get out of
> bed.  I am looking for an immediate cure. I just
> joined and I'm in Dallas. I know health stores carry
> this but I have not looked into the cost yet. Any recommendations?

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[mdev...@eskimo.com                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]

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