came across this while researching cayenne.....hope someone can use this 

Cayenne and Colloidal Silver
It is unknown exactly how effective cayenne pepper is in delivering colloidal 
silver to the bloodstream or organs of the body. Our experiments centered 
around utilizing cayenne pepper orally for use with stubborn lung infections 
that were resistant to other treatment.

In addition to stimulating the circulatory system, cayenne loosens the mucus in 
the lungs associated with infections. Within only a few minutes of using 
cayenne orally, the mucus begins to break up, and the lungs begin a process of 
clearing. This treatment is ideal when nebulizing with colloidal silver. Since 
any colloidal silver is most effective in areas it can directly reach, 
utilizing cayenne in this manner can greatly increase the infection fighting 
properties of colloidal silver as used in the lungs.

We have always chosen to use the nebulizer first to deliver colloidal silver 
into the lung tissues ( see the section on oxygen nebulizer use ). Then, having 
mixed one teaspoon of cayenne powder in a glass of warm water, one takes a 
partial mouthful of the mixture, and holds it under the tongue for as long as 
possible before swallowing ( at least 30 seconds ). The discomfort is 
temporary, and is best done when the stomach is not empty. One waits three to 
five minutes ( or until comfortable ) before using the nebulizer again.

This treatment should be tailored according to the situation and the 
tolerance/condition of the person in question. Definitive results should become 
quite evident within 72 hours even with chronic conditions.

It is always wise to use cayenne pepper sparingly when the body is not adjusted 
to use. To do so, adjust the frequency of use and not the individual dose 
level. The critical part of the treatment is delivering as much of cayenne's 
"heat" to the body at one time as is safely possible.

The full potential of cayenne as used with colloidal silver is unexplored. 
Considering the known benefits of cayenne and its proven safety in culinary 
use, it is undoubtedly an excellent addition to any health regime.