Yeah, I`m hanging in, taking things day by day. I`m not down so much right now, 
and the sick bird didn`t die last night!
That alone is good news.
My pain is in the feet. My spine is tender, but doesn`t hurt too much. I see a 
massage therapist once a week, and use my thumper massager every evening, they 
both keep me going!!!
  I take MSM and glucosamine, along with a multi that has vanadium to prevent 
diabetes, and have just recently increased the C (Ester-C) and B vitamins, 
along with extra Niacinamide for the incipient arthritis.
Now I hope to find a safe place to live, away from crazy landlords...He sure 
upset me last night.That is awful, to have that sort of fear.
  See Marshalee, 

  Things are looking up already!

  Bill Keen

  Marshalee Hallett <> wrote:

      Not much fun, though, being lonely, in pain, and bored stiffl 
      At least Harry Potter is fun!
      I do try to share CS with all and sundry who will listen, and boy, that 
is worthwhile!!
      PS, My son told me today he wants me to move closer to him so he can see 
me more often, that made my day!
      I`m trying now to find something, as the landlord here is a real sob.

                         Celebrate your freedom and savour life as Marshalee 
not MRS.X or  xx's MoMMY  or xxs daughter. Atlast in your life you be what that 
little girl Marshalee wanted to be. 
      Marshalee Hallett wrote: 

            It is much better on the other side.I`m ready to go now, at 53.
          I believe you're right that it's better on the other side Marshal! ee 
-- but 53 is awful early to leave the party!  I hope that 2006 is a better year 
for you than you've obviously been having.    MA Thanks for the kind thoughts, 
but I really don`t have much of a reason to remain here. Here`s why:I have no 
hubby, (he dumped me after 27 years of marriage for a woman 6 years older than 
he was, go figure!), 
          Good, you don't have to share the bed/blanket ot suffer the snores & 
smells of the old fart. enjoy your own smells and feel free to fart.. 
           the 4 kids are grown and gone and don`t really need me any more, (if 
I didn`t call them, I`d never hear from them), and my few friends are usually 
busy, so I see them only occasionally. 
          So who needs them. Get up in the morning if you feel like it or sleep 
in or loll about in your PJ or birthday suit. Don't brush your teeth if you 
don't feel li! ke it. Don't waste money on phone calls. The telco doesnot need 
your support. If your kids don't call, it means they are ok. If they dropped 
dead, there is not a thing you can do. So eitherway no need to worry. Get a cat 
if you have to. 
            I can`t work, so I spend my long, useless days reading, (I have 
read the entire Harry Potter series in 7 days, three times, now I`m rereading 
the entire set of Anne McCaffrey books), watching the tube, or playing on this 
computer. Occasionally I go to a movie. I have been to three of them in the 
last 16 months.The only thing making me want to stick around are my little 
Pugs. (I call them my living Prozac!) 
          The last movie I saw was starwars 25 years ago. I don't miss them. 
What is on tv ? Lies, murder/mayhem and sex at the drop of a hat. Why would I 
want to watch someone else performing? 
           Now that my ! birds have become a burden rather than the joy they 
were at the beginning, I can`t count on them anymore. It hurts my back to clean 
their cages, as I have to bend over the tub to scrub the bottom trays and 
wires. So they get really dirty before I pluck up the courage to clean them. 
I`m putting an ad in for them today to sell them. sigh... 
          If you like birds that much put up a bird feeder, less work and 
constant activity. 
            My problem is I need to be needed. Only the doglets need me. 
          Do you hear what you are saying? Your own body/mind needs you and you 
are looking outside. Take a lovely bubble bath...massage yourself...touch and 
feel all parts your body, sing a lullaboy to yourself, who cares what your 
voice sounds like, its YOURS and thats what is important. Get to know your 
body.Its a living temple. Enjoy the snow flakes! and enjoy the sunshine. 
           So much for life. 
           and experince every moment of it. This moment is really all you have 
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