It is much better on the other side.
    I`m ready to go now, at 53.
  I believe you're right that it's better on the other side Marshalee -- but 53 
is awful early to leave the party!  I hope that 2006 is a better year for you 
than you've obviously been having.    MA

  Thanks for the kind thoughts, but I really don`t have much of a reason to 
remain here. Here`s why:
  I have no hubby, (he dumped me after 27 years of marriage for a woman 6 years 
older than he was, go figure!), 
  the 4 kids are grown and gone and don`t really need me any more, (if I didn`t 
call them, I`d never hear from them), and my few friends are usually busy, so I 
see them only occasionally.
   I can`t work, so I spend my long, useless days reading, (I have read the 
entire Harry Potter series in 7 days, three times, now I`m rereading the entire 
set of Anne McCaffrey books), watching the tube, or playing on this computer. 
Occasionally I go to a movie. I have been to three of them in the last 16 
  The only thing making me want to stick around are my little Pugs. (I call 
them my living Prozac!)
  Now that my birds have become a burden rather than the joy they were at the 
beginning, I can`t count on them anymore. It hurts my back to clean their 
cages, as I have to bend over the tub to scrub the bottom trays and wires. So 
they get really dirty before I pluck up the courage to clean them. I`m putting 
an ad in for them today to sell them. sigh...
   My problem is I need to be needed. Only the doglets need me.
  So much for life.