How are are these for a start? Any of them jog your memory? Can we figure
this one out, or I won't be able to get back to work. It is now right on the
tip of my tongue, and you have me wracking my brain too. 
Integrated Whole 
Implicate Order 
Explicate Order 
Organized Principle 
Organized Chaos 
Turbulent Mirror 
Quantum Consciousness 
Human Symbiosis 
Positive Iteration 
Quantum Fractals 
Symbiotic System 
If I think of more, and I will, I'll be sure to send them in. 
Thanks to Ode, and Jonathan who started this. Oish! I love puzzles. 
-------Original Message------- 
From: M. G. Devour 
Date: 01/10/06 20:27:48 
Subject: CS>Thank you's 
Appreciate the appreciation folks. 
Help me out, would you, gang? 
I've been wracking my brain trying to think of a certain buzz-phrase I 
Used to see associated with the kind of synergy we see on this list and 
Other online forums... That makes things grow well beyond the sum of 
The parts. It's something we mostly take for granted these days, so I 
Don't see the term used with the same wonderment it was talked about 
Back in, say, the early nineties or so... 
Two words. The first connoted good or beneficial, while the second 
Referred to a cycle or feedback loop. 
What was that phrase? 
I think it described us perfectly. 
Be well, 
Mike D. 

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