Dear Duncan,
           Your speculation is an interesting one.....and could have 
considerable merit.  We do not have
objective information relating to the various chemical actions of DMSO under 
the many possible dynamic
conditions presenting in the human mouth.  We are aware that DMSO presents 
small threat as an attacking solvent for a majority of metals (especially 
uncompounded ones).  However, having stated that, it is of some moment to 
consider the amalgamated nature of silver-based fillings----they are quite 
unstable in the presence of a variety of even mild acids.  We have conducted no 
tests involving the absorption of sublimated gas products from mercury 
compounds, or other DMSO.  
           In the absence of quantitative data on this matter, I must defer to 
the more knowledgeable
chemists among us.....especially qualified organic chemists.
           I apologize for being unable to properly address your inquiry.  I 
will, as soon as possible,
inquire at further length on this line of investigation.  It is a question of 
merit....especially if
pronounced effects are possible under nominal conditions.....and low 
concentrations of DMSO.
                        Sincerely,  Brooks.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Duncan Crow" <>
To: "Brooks Bradley" <>,
Date: Mon, 16 Jan 2006 15:08:12 -0800

> Brooks and everyone, what's your take on DMSO fumes levering off
> mercury in ones dental work by methylating it? This would make it
> much more bioavailable and about 100 times more toxic.
> Duncan


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