Another thought in regards to this problem. Mucous will block the effect of CS by protecting the cells and tissues where the virus resides. Mucous blocks the effect of CS in the sinus and throat often and my guess is it would do so in the body (including the lungs for those who nebulize) as well.

Just a thought.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Terry Chamberlin" <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, January 28, 2006 4:25 PM
Subject: CS>Unresponsive sickness

Well, here is a posting I never thought I'd write.

Recently, my 14-year old daughter started getting
sick. She had a cough and sore throat. I kept her home
from school and plied her with Colloidal Silver all
day, confident that she would be fine shortly. She
kept saying, "Gosh, Dad, I hope I don't give this to
you." I confidently said, "Huh! With all the CS I
drink every day? Forget it!" I drink about a quart per
day of CS, 16 oz at the very least.

My daughter kept getting sicker and sicker, missing
more and more school. I put her on a nebulizer, and
she spent hours inhaling CS with H2O2 added. No
improvement, just got worse. About the fifth day of
her sickness, I started to get sick. I really guzzled
the CS and used the nebulizer. Got sicker. In two
days, my voice was gone, my throat hurt, had a fever,
clogged sinuses, lungs full of phlegm, weak as a

I got out my 6-volt battery, hooked it to two ½" x 6"
long TENS unit electrodes that have a sticky surface.
I stuck them to the front and back of my throat, ran
them all morning, then attached them to front and back
of my abdomen, ran them all afternoon. Switched to my
Beck Blood Purifier, ran that on my throat all day.
Used my Beck Magnetic Pulser (which has always worked
wonderfully in the past). No improvement.

None of this had any affect that I could see, except
that I just got worse and worse. Friday night went to
bed early and slept for 14 hours. Was a bit better the
next day.

This has shaken my confidence. Yes, I believe that CS
is very beneficial for everyone not allergic to
silver. Yes, I believe it is safe, and no, I don't
believe anyone can get argyria from crystal clear CS,
no matter how much they drink.

But the question still remains: Why did I get sick?
Why did the CS not protect me? Why did my sickness
keep getting worse despite the copious quantities I
drank? Why didn't the bioelectrical devices give any

People have asked me, Won't your body become dependent
and unable to protect itself in a normal way if it is
accustomed to CS doing it? I have always responded,
"No, not any more than if I take Vit C or A or any
other nutrient that is known to help the body fight

But I haven't used CS like I do Vit C or A. I take Vit
C and A on a nearly daily basis, but I don't take
megadoses of them, and I don't always take them
everyday (though I have no problem with that idea).
I've found several doctors who believe that silver is
an essential nutrient that our bodies NEED, like iron
or selenium. But the amount of silver needed by our
bodies is probably similar to the amount needed of
various trace minerals - a little bit, but not a lot.

This has caused me to look closer at how much I take.

Actually, now I am afraid to cut back on my CS too
quickly, lest I get sick again. But I am going to
gradually decrease my dose until I reach 2 - 3 oz/day.

Terry Chamberlin

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