I have found that a shot glass  or ½ of one…of CS (our homemade 12ppm) a
couple times a day helps immensely with my 4 yr old, a tsp or more is
all I usually need for 14 month old. In a situation like this I hit the
bug hard EVERY  ½ or hour with a little bit of CS and oregano oil and C.
Usually improvement is within 3 or 4 doses. Thyme tea also helps to cut
the mucus. WE used that a lot during whooping cough.  However, what I
also have found to  truly  help FAST for both my 14 month old and my 4.4
yr old is P73 oregano oil. I give the 4 yr old up to 5 drops on a tsp
with more olive oil and he gets to chase it with apple cider or a tsp of
honey. If it is at the beginning I rarely need anything else besides
this and cs. Although carrot juice is awesome too! The 14 month old gets
1 or 2 drops in more olive oil and she isn’t crazy about it but I can be
quick and we don’t do it often, justif I hear something coming on. I
also put hydrogen peroxide in their ears. Homeopathics we use too but
coughs are more challenging for me to figure out and I only have a
couple hundred remedies. Grapefruit seed extract is unfortunately horrid
tasting stuff and hard to get them to take. We also give them sodium
ascorbate (vit c) in mega doses if the cough were to get that bad. Ie.
The kids and I all had whooping cough last spring- nasty and scary for 3
months (the baby was 4 months and my son was 3.5)… we certainly didn’t
know all we know now- what a learning experience!  We bought Leo
Galland’s book about Supperimmunity for Kids (awesome book) had a hair
analysis done etc. (I was trying to figure out why it dragged on so
long) and then started to boost their sytem with natural vitamins and
most crucially EFA’s!!! I thought we ate pretty healthy before but when
I looked hard we didn’t have much ‘green’ in our diet or much variety.
The kids now drink green smoothies with kale, celery, spinach, collard,
banana, apple etc. almost everyday, we juice vegetable juices as well
like carrot and beet and apple a lot and sprouts too. Since august we
have not been sick at all… my husband who never gets sick brought a
regular cold home a couple weeks ago and none of us got it!! So that’s
pretty awesome! LOL
Anyhow not sure if any of this will help. It’s a bit choppy, I started
it earlier…;-) Hope your daughter is feeling better soon.
-----Original Message-----
From: panamp...@aol.com [mailto:panamp...@aol.com] 
Sent: February 9, 2006 2:28 PM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>5 year old child bad chesty cough..help

In a message dated 2/9/06 10:32:12 A.M. Pacific Standard Time,
debbiecoz...@yahoo.co.uk writes:
Hi , i do hope that someone can give me some good advice...my daughter
age 5 has got a very bad chesty cough..so chesty that she wants to get
sick everytime she coughs...i give her 5ml of cs in the morning and at
lunch time..not as night as i read the insomnia post on taking cs at
night...what else can i do for her????any other natural remedies that
any of you know of? shes drinking honey and lemon in warm water...i just
dont want to take her to the doc but i think its getting
Debbie, if I may, please try getting a small "mister"(I had bought my
last one at Walgreens.
on sale for $10.  Fill the container with you CS/EIS and let your child
breathe the mist sev-
eral times a day.  It has helped all the folks in my household
tremendously as they too have
had prolonged coughing, sore throat and some fever.  PETE