Ooh one more thing…aviva romm has some EXCELLENT books for herbs and
kids with specific formulas and dosages. One thing that is great for
everyone is garlic lemonade. Cut up cloves of garlic put in glass jar,
cover with water 20 min or ½ hr is stronger. Add lemon and either maple
syrup or raw honey. My kids love it. Serve warm or cold depending on
their preference. ;-) 
Also there is themustard plaster as well. She gives excellent directions
for this. Definitely a MUST have book in our house.
One other thing we have used over the years is a product called R8 from
Dr. Reckeweg. Excellent expectorant which is what you want…also great
fore croupy coufghs, whooping cough, and others….you can google or maybe
your naturopath or health food store might carry it. 
Also… regarding cs and insomnia…I haven’t noticed that really. My 4 yr
old might wake once or twice or have dreams but it doesn’t prevent him
from sleeping 10- 12 hrs straight! ;-)  (ps…he never slept thru the
night until he was almost 3 yrs)