In a message dated 2/14/06 8:46:03 PM Central Standard Time, writes:
> "OK -- this is interesting to me. I can see why this > would be a concern for someone who IS a smoker, but > why for someone who HAD BEEN a smoker? For instance, > I quit smoking twenty-five years ago -- why would > dieting or fasting be a concern? MA" > > The reason is because the stored toxins don't go away > automatically. Unless a specific program is undertaken > to cleanse the body of the stored toxins, they will > stay there for the rest of the person's life. Wow Terry -- sounds like I better be about this business of cleansing. By the time I quit smoking, I was up to three packs a day. I'm sure that I've stored TONS of toxins. How does one go about doing this type of cleansing, do you know? MA