One of the best I can recommend are calendula or eyebright eye drops.
You can google for either for eye injury/scratch.

My husband used both when he scratched his eye with a tree branch. We
also used calendula eye drops for the baby when she had an infection
which cleared it right up and soothed the eye.

here are some homeopathic ideas too:



-----Original Message-----
From: M. G. Devour [] 
Sent: February 18, 2006 2:03 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Need advice on scratched cornea with msm/cs....

Hi Steve,

In my experience, misting the eyes frequently with a gentle spray of 
home-made CS or putting in a few drops will help prevent bacterial 
infection, which will hasten healing and reduce the amount of 
discomfort from inflammation. Whether the silver has any direct 
positive effect on the healing process is an area of speculation. It 

Nothing will fix it right away, though! It's going to hurt until it 
starts to heal.

She should spend as much time "resting her eyes" as possible. When I 
had an eye injury similar to that, it was the effort to keep one eye 
open and the other closed that drove me crazy more than anything else.

Thankfully the cornea heals itself pretty fast if you take care of it. 
Take a day or two just to rest, keeping both eyes closed as much as 
possible, following whatever treatment regimen you've given yourself. 
It will heal. Rent her some books on tape! <grin>

The more you try to do in the meantime, the more aggravation it will 

> Anyone have success using msm or dmso/cs for a scratched eye lens? My
> wife scratched her eye by sleeping with her contact lenses in. It
> seems in the course of the night one of them folded and scratched the
> cornea. We already saw the eye doc and he prescribed
> antibiotic/steroid drops but they haven't helped much. I've heard
> about msm/dmso cs for eyes but haven't tried it for this condition
> yet. Anyone? Thanks Steve 

Hope that helps,

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]

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