I have only been making colloidal for about 3 months and have always had my 
batches be very clear but today I used the same brand of distilled water, the 
same silver strands,  plugged my generator in for 3 hours. I did not check on 
it during the brewing time but when the timer went off I  ended up with a very 
cloudy batch that had chucks in it.

  I will not be ingesting this batch but can someone please respond and tell me 
possibly what happened. I think my distilled water was probably no good. Hope 
it was okay for drinking because I drank most of this gallon. Can any harm be 
done to the silver strands since I let the generator run for three hours??? It 
has a green light on the front that should not glow when it is in use and it 
was really glowing when I unplugged the unit.  The instructions say that it 
will glow due to mineral content in water but I am 100% sure I used distilled 
water.  Thanks for any info!!!!!!!              Ana