Jeanne <> wrote:

.  In the 60's the WHO  found that 
> when iron supplements were given to anemic people in  Africa, there was a 
> great increase in the death rate from infectious  diseases, especially 
> malaria.  

Hi Sharie, 

Why people in Africa? Was there a lack of people with iron deficiencies in the 
USA or Europe?  Probably some sort of experimentation with a little "extra" 
something added.  

The researcher in the 
> role of iron in immunity believed that  an excess of dietary iron 
> contributed to the development of leukemia  and lymphatic cancers.

The article states only one "researcher".  It would be good to see more 
evidence or such studies. . One case of Agaria is does not make a case against 
CS...or does it.. I looked for more studies citing similar conclusion to the 
article but found few if any.  One mentioned iron deficiencies of a study done 
on children in Vietnam and Australia. 

> People who donate blood regularly have been found to be healthier  than 
> non-donors, and healthier than they were before they began  donating. 

I find this researchers statement highly suspect.  

>   Many  recent studies show that iron is involved in 
> degenerative brain  diseases such as ALS, Parkinson's,  Huntington's 
> Chorea, and  Alzheimer's. Iron in now believed to have a role in skin 
> aging,  atherosclerosis and cataracts largely due through it's formation 
> of  age pigment.

Would be a good to research these studies and who performed these studies.    

> Aloha, Sharie

  Carol Ann
  The Pessimist complains about the Wind;  
  The Optimist expects it to change;  
  The Realist adjusts the Sails.   - The world needs more sailors.  

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