Like most everyone here, I am a believer in Alternative medicine and judge
things by results without necessarily knowing exactly how they work.
Anyway, I have had neck problems on and off since being rear-ended some 20
years ago.  Recently I had some severe new symptoms, up in the vertebra
connecting to my skull, shooting pains with a numb sensation.  I have a
ceramic infrared bulb, the kind they sell on the internet for warming
reptiles, in a ceramic socketed metal hood from the feed store, and I lay
on the sofa with it heating my neck from a distance of 10-12", for a couple
of hours, and it completely stopped hurting for months afterward.  I was
amazed.  I have also used it for knees and my heel with great results too.
As for how it works, I think I read something about it softening up and
stretching connective tissue like ligaments and tendons.

I also use trace minerals and boron in addition to multiminerals and think
they have done a lot for my bone and ligament health.  Some herbs have
silicon which is also supposed to be important for ligament strength.

I have read that in Japan they use Far Infrared for treating cancer as well.


Date: Mon, 13 Mar 2006 10:01:07 -0800 (Pacific Standard Time)
From: "EmoTap" <>
To: <>
Subject: RE: CS>Degenerative disk disease
Message-Id: <4415b363.000001.03...@essentially>
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I'm sure you are on to something with the salt/C, CS, and iodine, but what I
m not understanding is why that would work for disintegrating disc disease.
I'm failing in L1-L5.

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