From: "Terry Chamberlin" <>
Sent: Friday, March 17, 2006 11:17 AM

Hi Terry,

We are on the exact same "wavelength" here! I do not allow Drs to "do their thing" at all. Because I'm fortunate enough to have health insurance, I use allopathy for diagnostics only. In a few rare cases I've used rx meds for a temporary situation until the nutritional methods kick in. I'm actually a certified nutritional consultant but have never practiced, so I don't have the in depth experience that would come from constantly dealing with patients/clients.

I have a chiropractor who has become more of a naturopath these days, but this is the guy who really messed me up! He insisted last year that I have an xray of the lumbar spine and sent me to a local hosp. known fot it's minimal radiation exposure. He read the xray and informed me that I was born with a missing L-5.
Not according to the MRI!
Last visit about 4 wks ago, he hit me all over the lumbar area with the "activator" (I think I've got that right), and upon leaving his office I then discovered I couldn't lift my left leg into the car. I've had this sciatic pain ever since. Boy, he's going to get read the riot act next time I see him! Yup, I'm actually trusting that once he knows the MRI results that he's going to have other modalities to get me over the sciatica. I'm so twisted and tilted that no nutritional therapy is going "cure" that; I've got to get back to some reasonable alignment.

"CUT ME"? Did I actually imply that? That'll happen when pigs fly!

I'm "with you" on all your suggestions, though I'm still cogitating on exactly what I'm going to put together. Allergy testing? A la Dr Coca? Somewhere I've got that old book, even if I don't properly recall his name. I remember that pulse testing.

I use a lot of Standard Process products, and grabbed their Ligaplex II for the discs, and Albaplex for the kidneys. I'm upping my Vit C, with synergists, and will add MSM, probably will also experiment with Serrapeptase. I'm ordering some UNhydrolyzed collagen as well. Meanwhile, I have some CMO in house and have started using it. It's long past expiry, but it'll do for now. I've got the EFT manual, books, and a set of CDs. I've worked with a practitioner by phone, a year ago, so I've got a good handle on it------I just have to USE it!

And believe it or not, I happen to have a bottle of NCD but I'm not too sure if it's 'for' me or not. First dose left me feeling awful, and my own muscle testing always is negative on it. I don't really trust self testing, because of subjectivity and possible polarity reversal. Nevertheless, the negative response is very consistent. Of course, I could be subconsciously trying to avoid the herx!

You are absolutely right on "mixing" two modalities, and I'm in total agreement. If it weren't for the advantage of the diagnostic MRI, I'd still be thinking I just had a missing disc and possibly causing more damage. So for the diagnostics, I'll practice a small amount of gratitude for the orthodox side. Just a very *small* amount!

Now to see what's going on with the kidney---Tues for that. And there's no way "they" will be messing with my kidney!

Terry, I greatly appreciate the time and effort you put into this post to me---you are a gem!

Thank you for all the good ideas


The type of physical issues you are struggling with
actually have a very high response rate utilizing
nutrients/therapies outside of the standard medical

Many times plain old chiropractic works wonders.

I, like many others here, urge you to not allow the
doctors to do their thing on you.

This brings up an important point. You need to make a
health philosophy decision here. You need to go with
either the allopathic medical approach in coping
with/treating your health problem, or go with the
alternative approaches. On some things, you can
co-mingle treatments (take drugs but also take
nutritional supplements; take drugs but also be
adjusted by a chiropractor). More and more, as the
medical approach to health issues becomes more radical
and bizzare and barbaric, the two approaches to health
negate each other and you must choose one or the

An example: There are many health issues that a doctor
will treat by giving drugs that depress the immune
system because their treatment is so bizzare and
unnatural. In others, such as hypERthyroidism, the
medical answer is to deliberately destroy the thyroid
gland (with radiation) and give you very poor,
synthetic thyroid substitute the rest of your life
(with all the inevitable complications that ensue).

In your present situation, if you allow the doctors to
cut you in any way, you will probably never fully
recover from the effects no matter what you do (apart
from an act of God). Please understand, they DO NOT
know what is wrong with you, but they will they will
freely assign you the role of guinea pig. Since the
medical mentality has such a very narrow understanding
of health and the causes of health problems, even if
they believe they know the source of your health
problems they will almost certainly be incorrect, and
even if they actually DO diagnose it accurately, the
solutions they will suggest will do more damage than

Unfortunately, finding the alternative-health
treatment that will work for you will take some
determination and commitment on your part. Plus some
self-discipline and possibly a fair amount of money.
If you have to pay for all medical treatments out of
your own pocket, it will be much less expensive (and
far more effective) to go the alternative health
approach. If you have medical insurance (or worse,
live in Canada where the gov't pays for it), the
temptation to let the doctor treat you (and save your
wallet) is great. In the end, after the doctors do
their best/worst to you, you will have saved an
enormous amount of money and incurred an enormous
amount of suffering. (IMHO)

As I said, chiropractic can be amazing, EFT and other
Energy-medicine therapies can be miraculous,
deep-tissue massage can be astounding, MSM, magnets,
colon cleansing (not kidding), allergy testing (pulse
testing) and many other Alternative approaches can
help, all without damaging you in the process. Many of
them are free or nearly free (EFT, Pulse Testing). I
have an MSPowerPoint file I can email you that
actually shows you how to do EFT. I can also send you
the instructions for Pulse Testing. Several members of
this list can help you in learning how to benefit from
this amazing therapy.

Lately I have been receiving reports from folks close
to me of unbelievable results from the rather
expensive zeolite/clinoptilolite Natural Cellular
Defense product. I am not pushing this product, just
reporting about it.

But, Sharon, you must make a decision/commitment about
how you are going to pursue resolving your health
problems, and what your life/health philosophy will
be. Doctors or no doctors.

Some folks would disagree with me and believe doctors
have their place. I agree. If I break my leg or get
shot or am in a auto accident and am all smashed up
(as happened to me once), I want to go to the hospital
and be attended to by a medical doctor. Other than
life-or-death crisis intervention, I personally avoid
doctors like the plague. That's my own personal
decision/commitment. I am not suggesting that should
be yours, but it's getting to be increasingly
counterproductive to try to co-mingle the two
philosophies. (Again, IMHO)

Terry Chamberlin, B.Sc., C.N.C., Bioanalyst
Metabolic Solutions Institute
Lawrencetown, Nova Scotia B0S 1M0 Canada

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