Bob writes:
> Power factor becomes a problem in alternating current systems, NOT
> switched DC systems. It involves the phase angle bewteen the voltage and
> current in the system.

Bob's right, in that the term Power Factor has a specific meaning in 
alternating current systems with reactive loads, neither of which apply 
in a typical low voltage CS generator, no matter how sophisticated or 
simple its design.

I think the original person (Wayne?) who suggested "Power Factor" was 
simply thinking of the relevance of voltage and current -- which, when 
multiplied together gives you the power being dissipated in a circuit --
to the making of CS.  

I think the most relevant answer was alluded to early on on this 
thread, probably by Bob, again, that if you integrate the current 
driven  through the generating cell, you'll get a number which is very 
closely related to the total amount of silver that's been put into the 

You can think of this integration process as adding together the 
current reading every second for the duration of the run. You'll get a 
figure in milliamp-seconds or amp-seconds. Multiply each reading by the 
corresponding voltage reading, you'll get a value in milliwatt-seconds 
or amp-hours, both of which are a measure of work.

There might be a lot of information that a careful researcher could 
tease out of such readings and calculations regarding the form the 
silver takes in the water in response to applied voltage, relative to 
surface area,  geometry, initial purity, and other factors that affect 
the process. In fact, Bob has done a lot of just that sort of study.

It's easy to confuse matters when one innocently attempts to express an 
idea with a term that sounds right but already has another, precise but 
totally different meaning.

Be well,

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]

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