another one of those out of the blue...

slight dark circles under eyes...
obviously would have to keep improving diet etc to get rid of the cause but is there a quick natural fix to conceal them in the meantime...?


From: "Ed Kasper" <>
To: <>
Subject: RE: CS>CS and emergency drinking water
Date: Mon, 15 May 2006 11:58:21 -0700

MessageI put aside an old water bottle once that still had a small amount of water left in it. Some time later I saw it and looking closly I notice green algae in it. The water was from a commerical water distiller where I used to
get my glass bottles filled. The guy said it wasn't uncommon and said to
just rinse with some biodegradable stuff he had.  The glass bottle was one
of those 5 gallon glass bottles of the old days with a plastic pump on top.

  -----Original Message-----
  From: Medwith, Robert []
  Sent: Monday, May 15, 2006 9:56 AM
  To: 'cs'
  Subject: CS>CS and emergency drinking water

  Thinking about puting some Emergency Water away on shelf (distiled water
from my distiller).
Water would be in 2 to 3 gallon containers. How long would it last with a
little CS in water.
Also thought about cleaning some pennies and melting a drop of pure silver
on one side and then putting one in each jug.
Would the silver coated penny affect the dringing water, in long or short


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