Thank you very much.  I forwarded it.


  My son recieved a spider bite when sleeping on a floor mattress when  in 
temporary housing after hurricane devastation to our home. It was on the top of 
his foot and quickly swelled,got infected with pus and started truning purple. 
He had chronic colitis that we had been adrressing for years and I knew 
antibiotics would set him way back. He began feeling spacey and I began giving 
high and constant amounts of Sovergn silver locally and orally. We also put hot 
compresses on and soaked his foot in warm calendula baths. The second day the 
gross purple looking swelling popped and all the pus drained. All my other kids 
stayed up to watch their brother's foot spuing out the dead matter. He 
recovered quickly and his gut problems improved too. He has a small scar on his 
foot and is now back in his home sleeping in a real bed.