Pan AM,
Surely you just.  Fl, esp. Miami local TV news stations are a joke. Their 
emphasis is not on world or national affairs but on South Beach, the hottest 
disos, stories of abandonded house cats, who robbed the local 7-11.

If thats what you are watching for "NEWS"...ya need to broaden your horizons or 
get cable. :) wrote:     I'm holding my reservations about these little 
guys dancing
 on top of Q-tips.  It does seem strange to me that here in
 Miami, FL you don't hear or see any news of them on TV or
 radio, and yet they say Florida is one of the big "nesting"
 grounds.  Maybe they will be featured on "Ripley's, 'Believe
 it or not'.

  Carol Ann
 God is what you can find in anything you look at if you look long enough.

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