Justing was supposed to be jesting, not jousting. ;)

Pete, because the Mia/Dade/Fl TV news stations do not comment or report on Chem 
trails does it mean they do not exist? If you live in Miami, and look to the 
sky with awareness, you know they exist because you can see them.  

Ah, I know, it must be that the weather men when making their reports on the 
sunny skies are blinded by the light, thus never mentioning them....ever, 
because they can't for some odd reason see them  and therefore, they must not 

Imagine, Fl is among the top 3 in the country re Morgellans and still........no 
local news?  Me thinks they don't want to disturb the tourist trades. 

What lab Goober mentals you've been workin for......they mus ta bin slipping 
you too many blue pills.....if your local, give me your addy and I'll send over 
some reds. 


panamp...@aol.com wrote:      Saffire, 
 I am not into jousting--thank you!  I have worked in Gov Labs
 earlier, and I stay in touch with National & Intern'l news on
 a daily basis.  I do not dote on local news or day time dramas as you  seem 
to, but try to stay in touch with the
 "world".  Some of the statements I read appear to be almost
 ludicrous if not absurd.  I'm sure there must be an answer to
 these maladies that are afflicting these people, whether it
 be physical, psychological, or physiological.  Some people
 seem to attract certain unexplainable sicknesses, and then
 you have hypochondriacs.  Do you, yourself, understand this
 inexplicable disease?!  If so please explain!      PanAm
 P.S. BTW, I've had cable for several years, some when local
 news wasn't available! :)
 In a message dated 5/27/2006 2:00:48 P.M. Eastern Standard 
 >>>Time, saffiresk...@yahoo.com writes:
 Pan    AM,
Surely you just.  Fl, esp. Miami local TV news stations are a    joke. Their 
emphasis is not on world or national affairs but on South Beach,    the hottest 
discos, stories of abandoned house cats, who robbed the local    7-11.

If that's what you are watching for "NEWS"...yak need to broaden    your 
horizons or get cable.    :)<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

panamp...@aol.com    wrote:              I'm holding my reservations about 
these little guys dancing
     on top of Q-tips.  It does seem strange to me that here in
     Miami, FL you don't hear or see any news of them on TV or
     radio, and yet they say Florida is one of the big "nesting"
     grounds.  Maybe they will be featured on "Ripley's, 'Believe
     it or not'.


  Carol Ann
 God is what you can find in anything you look at if you look long enough.

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