Find a good naturopath. Fire your allopath.  Do a colon cleanse, liver cleanse, 
GB cleanse.  Get on a good green powder vitamin.  Walk 3 miles  3 times a week. 
Get some sun.  Drink 60 ounces of distilled water a day.   NEVER put another 
coke, microwaved food, dairy products in your body again. Throw away your 
fluoride toothpaste. NEVER put any more sugar or aspertame in your body again.  
 Do a parasite cleanse. Start at  Be well and prosper.  TJ
> Date: 2006/06/01 Thu AM 12:20:20 EDT
> To:
> Subject: CS>I'm New!
> Hi Everybody!  My name is Shannon and I live in Utah.  I am 26 and have had 
> health problem after health problem all my life.  I have recently been 
> diagnosed with fibromyalgia.  Even more recently I have had endoscopy 
> procedures done and they found esophageal ulcers and Microscopic colitis.  
> What is a particular concern of mine right now is the worry that my use of 
> ibruprofen has caused my colitis.  My fibromyalgia causes such horrible, 
> unbearable pain and ibuprofen is the only thing that works.
> Marshalee brought me to this group and has me started on silver.  Thanks 
> Marshalee!  What a sweet woman.  So I have been taking silver for almost a 
> week now and I hope so badly that this helps me.  If anyone has any 
> suggestions I would love to hear them.  I am on Celexa, Trazadone, and 
> Bupropion for Fibromyalgia/depression, and I have Prevacid for my ulcers.  I 
> just feel like I'm way too young to feel this bad, and I worry what that 
> means about the rest of my life.  I have two little girls, Catherine is 3 
> and Grace is nearly 1, I have to work full time and I am constantly behind 
> and discouraged.  My depression is much better with Celexa, I can live now!
> Anyway, I'm glad to try this and hope it helps.
> Shannon
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