Hi Shannon,

The ideal would be to figure out what is causing the depression and treat that, rather than just the symptoms. Imagine not having to fear running out of your antidepressant again!

Good to have ya with us. I'm excited for you!


There's a lot of good information in these emails. I don't want to get off my one antidepressant I've been taking for awhile. It makes a world of difference in my life. Once I ran out on a weekend when I couldn't get to my pharmacy, and I missed 2 doses. Someone said something to me that was the teeniest bit offensive and I started crying. Then I couldn't stop crying and I cried so hard and so long that I had an upset stomach and a migraine. I was sitting on the bathroom floor throwing up with company over. I had to go to the emergency room and get a shot. I will never go through that again. It reminded me of what my life was like before Celexa. When I don't have Celexa, my world falls apart. If I didn't have Celexa, I would be divorced and my poor little girls would be traumatized. A doctor did not tell me about Celexa. I had several friends that swore by it, so I asked the Doctor for a prescription. I stopped freaking out at my husband and getting mad at him, I'm much more laid back. I don't have any side effects that I am aware of, well at least, no undesireable side effects :). All my health problems came before I was on Celexa, nothing has really changed otherwise. I was told that Silver would cure fibromyalgia, and that those that had fibromyalgia and had taken silver would vouch for that. I will look into the other things though.

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