thanks for the info....I will be taking her a copy of
this email today...I'll let you know how she does.

--- wrote:

> Yes, have her drink one to two quarts a day of CS. 
> I have seen  several 
> cases of food poisoning (at least the symptoms)
> disappear within 20  minutes after 
> drinking a quart of CS.  If she can, she should eat
> some  burned toast (or 
> take commercial activated charcoal pills from the
> health food  store) as these 
> absorb the toxins that create nausea.  Toast is also
>  relatively easy to digest 
> with a compromised system, as opposed to milk 
> products, for instance.  For 
> the nausea, take 1/8 teaspoon ginger powder  (from
> grocery store spice section) 
> mixed in a cup of warm water (sip  slowly).  
> This subject was discussed on this group at length a
> few months ago, and  the 
> consensus was that CS is extremely effective for
> food poisoning.  
> Jill

        Kandee, mom to Hannah and Grace

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