Debbie, they are live ferments and the only problem was you were
over-fermenting. they are still good and healthy. I gave you my toll free
number and other news groups to help you get started. Once live probiotic
ferments get established they are easy and simple. Some people can not boil
water without burring it so there are pills and capsules. The same
experience may apply to CS. Some people do not trust making CS themselves.

It is still possible to get live probiotics from one of the newsgroups and
the facts are they are better than capsules or pills.

Ed Kasper
  -----Original Message-----
  From: []
  Sent: Tuesday, June 20, 2006 6:49 AM
  Subject: RE: CS>Probiotics

  Purchased the Caspian Sea Yogurt from you Ed and twice it did not work and
you would not answer my money back garuntee from this company
either,  I got ripped off!!!.....debbie
    -------------- Original message --------------
    From: "Ed Kasper" <>

    > Try Kombucha, Kefir, Tibicos, Caspian Sea Yogurt all natural
    > live probiotics simply to make at home and are cheap or
    > actually free from many groups online. Do a google or search
    > yahoo groups. Live probiotics - not capsules or pills ...
    > works miracles for many .... Kefir and tibicos can be made
    > in water, similar to Japanese water crystals, or with nut
    > milk. CSY is made only with milk and Kombucha with sugar,
    > water and tea.
    > free Tibicos
    >! =VIEWPR OD&
    > ProdID=50
    > live free and healthy
    > Ed Kasper L.Ac., Acupuncturist & Medicinal Herbalist
    > -----Original Message-----
    > From: Pat []
    > Sent: Monday, June 19, 2006 1:30 PM
    > To: silver list; Georgia
    > Subject: CS>Probiotics
    > Got some Natren Healthy Trinity probiotics for son who
    > has irritable bowel. VERY expensive, but arrived with
    > bubble wrap, cold pack, and totally surrounded with
    > styrofoam. He's only used about 5 but says he has to
    > causes horrible foul gas. Anyone else had
    > that problem? He's trying to wean himself off
    > Immodium, it's been like he needs more and more now.
    > Pat