Slippery Elm (inner bark, powdered)  is very soothing to the intestines
and also healing.  You can buy it at a health store that carries herbs
or order it in bulk online.  Mix approximately 1 heaping teaspoon in a
glass of water and mix it in.  It thickens like Metamucil, but is
healing, not irritating.  Can take as much as is tolerated.  I would
take 3 or 4 times a day between meals or more often if desired.  

Keep away from any allergy foods like milk and milk products since he is
allergic to it. Don't eat irritating foods with a lot of roughage, at
least for a while.  Some other foods like acidic fruits, tomatoes and
citrus may be irritating, at least initially.  Eat foods like cooked
oatmeal etc.  Take the Slippery Elm bark and let the intestines calm
down.  Wean off the Imodium.  (Look into food combining.)

There are things like Dr. Richard Schulze's "Intestinal Formula #2"
which can be taken in a similar manner to the Slippery Elm bark.  It has
that and psyllium, bentonite, pectin, activated charcoal, ground flax
seed, etc in it.  It can be made without charcoal for long term use...
I found it a bit gritty because of the charcoal.


-----Original Message-----
From: Pat []
Sent: Monday, June 19, 2006 3:30 PM
To: silver list; Georgia
Subject: CS>Probiotics

Got some Natren Healthy Trinity probiotics for son who has irritable
bowel.  VERY expensive, but arrived with bubble wrap, cold pack, and
totally surrounded with styrofoam.  He's only used about 5 but says he
has to causes horrible foul gas.  Anyone else had that
problem?  He's trying to wean himself off Immodium, it's been like he
needs more and more now.


-----Original Message-----
From: Pat []
Sent: Monday, June 19, 2006 4:13 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Probiotics

I hadn't heard of using cow's colostrum before, that's interesting.  But
anyway, my son is lactose intolerant.  He did fine on breast milk, but
once that was over at about 2 1/3 years, he's never been able to
tolerate milk.


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