hello my name is Nathan,
i use home made ionic collloidal silver regularly and have done for 5-6 years now i love it and always find it speeds my recovery by a phenominal rate i have recomended it to my family and some close friends, hesitantly. Which has proven to be beneficial to them also.
i believe that i have a fairly good understanding about how it works.
but what i really dont understand is why there seems to be no available lab test results or definitive studies that have been undertaken to prove (or disprove) even the most basic benfits involved with its use, that i can find or maybe i am just not looking in the right places.
Please let me know if you know of any.
the medical profession seems to have its head under a rock when it comes to the use of cs always giving the standard reply that it can cause argyria. which as far as i can tell is only associated with silver salts like silver nitrate and silver chloride. Maybe i am miss informed but to me these things seem to be arguements that could be laid to rest once and for all with some simple testing. It escapes me how the issue of wether or not cs works or if it has any side effects has never really been outlined in any official report. may be i am wrong in what i am writing but i am looking for some good answers about cs some facts some proof by someone that has 'credit' among the medical profession. i have all the proof i need to use it for my self daily but it just seems such a waste that i cant tell my neighbours ' here are the facts about cs.' instead i have to say 'well here is what somebody said is true about cs it may or may not be true youll just have to try it and see.' What a cop out, in a world that deals in nanotechnology and rocket science, gene manipulation and world wide cyber comunication, you wouldnt think it would be too hard to get some straight answers about what cs does or doesn't do. In my mind the benefits are astounding and maybe thats what they are afraid of, that it might replace some of the reliance we have on the beat up fanfare that the mecical establishment is today. roll up roll up come and get your drugs, but you cant stay here because we have no beds because everybodies sick, and getting sicker. oh and by the way watch out for the next superbug virus as you go out the door, because we cant treat that yet but as soon as we can, and we have patented the vacine, we will put it on your list of crap to take. at a small fee of course. have a nice day. wouldnt it be nice if they used cs in hospitals even if it was just used as a topical application on patients with cuts, burns, wounds, or infected tissue, or for those recovering after surgery to reduce scarring. it would have to speed up some patients recovery by days if not weeks in some cases. freeing up some of that valuable bed space. i wonder what they would do if you tried to apply it to a patient in a hospital ward probable throw you out, say its not proven to work, i dont know.
anyway i am tired of ranting.
seriously if anyone knows of some serious data either for or against the use of cs please point me in the right direction so i dont have anything to rave about anymore
ps sorry about taking up too much of your time.
the search goes on....

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