Then I can believe the mosquito is a carrier.  Why not?


Lyme Unknown Epidemic

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The Unknown Epidemic

By DJ Fletcher and Tom Klaber

Millions of people who are diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia, 
Alzheimer's, chronic fatigue syndrome and other degenerative diseases could 
have Lyme Disease causing or contributing to their condition.

Forget just about everything you think you know about Lyme disease.

It is not a rare disease, it is epidemic. It is not just tick-borne; it can 
also be transmitted by other insects, including fleas, mosquitoes and 
mites - and by human-to-human contact. Neither is Lyme usually indicated by 
a bull's-eye rash; this is found in only a minority of cases. And, except 
when it is diagnosed at a very early stage, Lyme is rarely cured by a simple 
course of antibiotics. Finally, Lyme is not just a disease that makes you 
"tired and achy" - it can utterly destroy a person's life and ultimately be 

Lyme disease, in fact, might be the most insidious-and least 
understood-infectious disease of our day. "If it weren't for AIDS," says 
Nick Harris, Ph.D., President of Igenex, Inc., a research and testing 
laboratory in Palo Alto, California, "Lyme would be the number one 
infectious disease in the United States and Western Europe." 

 Many now see the disease, also called Lyme borreliosis, as more than a 
simple infection, but rather as a complex illness that can consist of other 
co-infections, especially of the parasitic pathogens Babesia and Ehrlichia.

Lyme is sometimes called "the Great Imposter" because it can manifest such a 
broad range of symptoms that it is often misdiagnosed as other diseases. 
Charles Ray Jones, M.D., of New Haven, Connecticut, says that many people 
who have Lyme "are thought to have multiple sclerosis, ALS [Lou Gehrig's 
disease], chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, Alzheimer's" and other 
debilitating conditions. .................

 The answer is that Lyme is not transmitted just by ticks.

"Of the more than 5,000 children I've treated, 240 have been born with the 
disease," says Dr. Jones, who specializes in Pediatric and Adolescent 
Medicine. "Twelve children who've been breast-fed have subsequently 
developed Lyme. Bb can be transmitted transplacentally, even with in vitro 
fertilization; I've seen eight children infected in this way. People from 
Asia who come to me with the classic Lyme rash have been infected by fleas 
and gnats."


 For that reason, when he treats a Lyme patient in a relationship, he often 
treats the spouse; otherwise, he says, they can just pass the Bb back and 
forth, reinfecting each other.

Dr. Tang adds other avenues of infection: "Transmission may also occur via 
blood transfusion and through the bite of mosquitoes or other insects." Dr. 
Cowden contends that unpasteurized goat or cow milk can infect a person with 


More importantly, Lyme can disseminate throughout the body remarkably 
rapidly. In its classic spirochete form, the bacteria can contract like a 
large muscle and twist to propel itself forward: because of this spring-like 
action it can actually swim better in tissue than in blood. It can travel 
through blood vessel walls and through connective tissue. Animal studies 
have shown that in less than a week after being infected, the Lyme 
spirochete can be deeply embedded inside tendons, muscle, the heart and the 
brain. It invades tissue, replicates and destroys its host cell as it 
emerges. Sometimes the cell wall collapses around the bacterium, forming a 
cloaking device, allowing it to evade detection by many tests and by the 
body's immune system.

But the main reason that Lyme is so resistant to detection and therapy is 
that it can radically change form - it is pleomorphic. Explains Dr. 
Whitaker; "We have examined blood samples from over 800 patients with 
clinically diagnosed Lyme disease with RiBb test and have rarely seen Bb in 
anything but a cell wall deficient (CWD) form. The problem is that a CWD 
organism doesn't have a fixed exterior membrane presenting information - a 
target - that would allow our immune systems or drugs to attack it, or allow 
most current tests to detect it."

As a CWD organism, says Dr. Mattman, Bb is extremely diverse in its 
appearance, its activity and its vulnerability. Adds Dr. Cowden, "Because Bb 
is very pleomorphic, you can't expect any one antibiotic to be effective. 
Also, bacteria share genetic material with one another; so the offspring of 
the next bug can have a new genetic sequence that can resist the 


"Avoid sugars because they feed these bugs," advises Dr. Cowden. "It is most 
important to balance saliva pH between 6.7 and 70. Sufficient dietary 
minerals bring pH up if low. Reducing stress will raise pH; so will 
identifying and removing food, nutrient and inhalant allergies. You should 
identify your metabolic type and then follow the appropriate diet. 
Grapefruit seed extract and certain other substances, including vitamin C, 
can interfere with tissue uptake of the antibiotics and make them less 
effective. Take as few non-essential supplements as possible - consult with 
a physician knowledgeable about nutrition-and time them as far from the 
antibiotic as possible."

Dr. Bock reminds us that, "It's also important to support the endocrine 
system. In some cases, cognitive abilities improved when subclinical 
hypothyroid problems were treated. Chronic stress can cause suppression of 
the immune system Manage the effects of stress on the body: Use relaxation 
techniques and biofeedback. Find a group for emotional support."

In his practice, Dr. Jones has found that, "Taking acidophilus and other 
probiotics is always important. [Antibiotics kill the intestinal flora 
necessary for digestion and immune functions; probiotics like lactobacillus 
re-inoculate the intestines.] Stay away from or severely limit alcohol 
intake. Develop a healthier standard of living. Rest is needed. We've found 
that a parent who has a child with Lyme is often feeling guilty. One has to 
work with these difficult feelings.  I emphasize that it's not a parent's 
fault; you can't protect your child from Lyme exposure."



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